
Showing posts from October, 2023

The “Wisdom of the Donut Hole” Podcast Episode 2: Alaska Author Ron Walden: “Influences of the Silver Valley”

  Podcast 1… Wisdom of the Donut Hole… EPISODE 2 Welcome to Episode 2. We intend present many more, digging into backdrops, characters and plots of more than a dozen books from Ron Walden: Author of True to Life Alaska Crime & Other Alaska Stories. I’m your host, Scott Walden and this is… The “Wisdom of the Donut Hole” Podcast  Episode 2: Alaska Author Ron Walden:  “influences of the Silver Valley” Welcome back to The “Wisdom of the Donut Hole” Podcast A podcast about the novels of Alaska Author Ron Walden, a Luddite that loves donuts, friends, coffee and amazing, almost true stories. In Ron’s life, the Wisdom of the Donut Hole has meant a choice of dwelling on failure and sadness or pursuing success and happiness. Be aware of it all but Always pay more attention to the important parts. Wish if you want but appreciate what you have.   It goes like this: As you ramble through Life, Brother, Whatever be your goal. Keep your eye upon the doughnut, An...

Ugly Moose AK: "THE “WISDOM OF THE DONUT HOLE”: Our first blog about our websites and podcasts

Our first blog about our websites and podcasts...both being developed with releases planned soon, available on many Podcast Platforms. Soon we'll Welcome you to Episode 1 of what we intend to be the first of many more Podcasts, digging into backdrops, characters and plots of more than a dozen books from Ron Walden: Author of True to Life Alaska Crime & Other Alaska Stories. I’m your host, Scott Walden and this is… THE “WISDOM OF THE DONUT HOLE”. Quite a name for Blog and Podcast efforts by a guy trying to get you to read his books! This guy Ron is essentially a Luddite that loves donuts, friends, coffee and amazing almost-true stories. Luddite is a real word…Google it. Pretty sure Ron’s picture is there…chiseled onto a stone tablet. In Ron’s life, Wisdom of the Donut Hole has meant a choice of dwelling on failure and sadness or pursuing success and happiness. Be aware of it all but always pay more attention to the important parts. Wish if you want but appreciate wha...